Oh my... what happened to Moët?

That is what people say when they see my newly shaved Moët! I mistakenly used the wrong shaving head... Once I realized it was too late to change so she is almost naked! 2 mm it was... The long haired teddy bear now looks more like an athletic antilope or some exotic djungle animal with a huge head and fluffy tail! It is nice though to see her well formed body and her gracious movements! So let the summer arrive! She is happy as ever, moving so easily around and staying longer to be cuddled in our laps. With all that hair she otherwise quickly gets hot and prefers to lay down on the floor by the balcony door.

Yatzie is also shaved, though not as short, and we are used to seeing her short haired. During her first years I always shaved her in the summer. Now it was two years ago, since I have tried to learn to handle the scissor. Now the dogs are ready for our vacation in Italy coming up in a few weeks!

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