Clicker training finale

Moët's first course at KynoQuest (clicker training for hunting dogs) has come to an end. I am impressed with her attentiveness and ability to learn new things. During this intensive base course (twice a week for 6 weeks) under the guidance of trainer Let Stevens and quite some traning at home she has learned sit + wait, lay + wait, follow, foot and no. Moët follows very well now, not only at the training but when we are out walking together. I have been using the clicker to teach her each of these commands and rewarded her with very nice goodies and playful retrieving. She retrieves everything to me already. At home we are now practicing hold the dummy, since she lets go of it without waiting for my command. In three weeks we will start the follow up course. This last training session the dogs were allowed to play on the grounds at the end. In the pictures you see Moët with her good friend Joey, a cocker/springer spaniel and a fast vissla. Moët is very fast as well and loves to run after or be chased by her friends. She finds a friend in every dog is seems!



Here links to some videos the trainer made of us:

Time to play

Watch out - I am coming to get you!!

Time to rest

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