Our barbets
Yatzie (Luddelumps Ester)

Yatzie is my first barbet. She is the love of my heart and my best friend. We have had so much fun together and I have learned a lot from her. She has had two litters and is now retired as breeeding bitch. But Moët, her daughter, keeps her very vigile and in excellent shape, challenging her to play brutally with her every day.
Born: 2007-04-11
Mother: Ullyssia di Barbochos Rieau de Provenco
Father: Alias de l'Ille de Romande
Colour: Black
Height: 54 cm
Weight: 25 kgs
Hips: A/A
Eyes: clear
Click here to see her > Pedigree on Pawped
Character: Loyal, friendly, relaxed, open to strangers, cuddly, sweet and quite lazy! Good retriever. Stubborn, but easy to train since she loves to eat!
Moët (Moët de l'Esprit de bonté)

Moët was the first puppy born of Yatzie! We fell in love with her at first sight. She was quite shy as a puppy and while in the nest she stayed in the background looking at us with her beautiful eyes, waiting for our attention. She and Yatzie are best friends, with her humble character Moët gives Yatzie the respect that she needs, without her being inferior in any way.
Born: 2011-09-17
Mother: Yatzie (Luddelumps Ester)
Father: Pierro della Francesca
Colour: Brown
Height: 53 cm
Weight: 23 kgs
Hips: A/A
Eyes: clear
Qualifications: Dutch Junior Champion
Click here to see her > Pedigree on Pawped
Character: Playful, athletic, energetic. Loyal, loving, cuddly. Sensitive, responsive, humble. Loves water and takes every chance to take a dip. To strangers she keeps some distance at first.